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Clinical and Translational Science Based Innovative Projects Request for Applications

CTSI Requests Applications to Fund Clinical & Translational Science Based Innovative Projects (Element E and RC2)

The Clinical and Translational Science Institute of SE WI (CTSI) is applying for renewal of its Clinical & Translational Science Award (CTSA) award. The FOA includes two discrete funding mechanisms – the main UM1 award (Element E is part of UM1) and RC2. Element E and RC2 are focused on translational science-based innovative projects. We are seeking investigators at our Hub to submit proposals that may be funded via either of these mechanisms. The selected proposals will be submitted for funding with the overall CTSI UM1 renewal application.

Clinical and Translational Science Research Program (Element E):

The Clinical and Translational Science Research Program Element will support discrete research project(s) that should address a truly significant roadblock in Clinical and Translational Science (CTS). One project per hub is required.

Funding will be contingent on the aims and scope of the proposal as it relates to the overall CTSI application.

High Impact Specialized Innovation Programs (RC2):

The purpose of the High Impact Specialized Innovation Programs (SIPs) is to support the development and demonstration of unique Hub capabilities, research platforms and/or resources to address in a timely manner critical gap areas and/or roadblocks in clinical and translational science at awarded UM1 Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program Hubs.

Funding available through this mechanism is up to $500K/year for 5 years

Download and Review the full Request for Applications

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Any investigator and their teams at any of the CTSA Hub locations are eligible to participate in this opportunity.

How to Apply

Investigator/ teams can apply to one or both of the above mechanisms. Applicants should submit a Letter of Intent, not more than one page outlining the aims and objectives of the proposal with expected timelines. Please clearly indicate the mechanism you intend to apply. Please submit your Letter of Intent to Braxton Keil @ no later than June 15, 2024, by 5 p.m. CST.

Review Process

An internal CTSI review committee will assess submitted proposals. Investigators/teams will be notified if their proposal is viable, and they will be invited for further discussions. Selected submissions will have to write detailed proposal plans as described in the FOAs and submit along with the CTSI renewal application due August 15, 2024. NCATS is expected to make final funding decisions by Q2 of 2025 with the earliest start date of July 2025.

For all questions on this funding opportunity, contact Braxton Keil – CTSI Project Manager or Amit Gode, Director for Strategic and Academic Initiatives.