Importance of Multidisciplinary Team Science
The science of team science is a broad and diffuse area of study, and is not part of typical academic curriculums. Concepts, such as co-equality of ideas, shared vision, avoiding dominance, and common vocabulary are some of the fundamental principles to carry out productive and enjoyable team research. Each Ensemble team has a different beginning point, but all Ensembles will go through various stages of team formation. The most widely-known theory of team formation was developed by Bruce Tuckman, and focused on five stages of group development. Because solving healthcare problems is ongoing, we typically focus on the stages of (1) Forming, (2) Storming, (3), Norming, and (4) Performing. Tuckman added a fifth stage, “adjourning,” which may be applicable when considering the completion of a single product of an Ensemble.
CTSI offers an annual Multidisciplinary Team Science Workshop every Spring. Stop back for the announcement of future offerings.