
Ensemble Program Overview

The team composition of Ensembles is multidisciplinary and includes non-traditional stakeholders that are important to designing solutions to unmet patient medical needs. To achieve true interdependence of all disciplines and stakeholders, it is vital that Ensembles learn and implement the principles of team science.

Ensemble Teams

The Ensembles team is multidisciplinary, incorporating non-traditional stakeholders essential for addressing unmet patient medical needs. To foster interdependence among all disciplines, it is crucial for Ensembles to learn and apply team science principles.

The science of team science studies effective collaboration principles, such as co-equality, shared vision, and common vocabulary, despite its absence in typical academic curricula. Each Ensemble team has unique starting points but follows stages of formation, based on Bruce Tuckman's widely-known theory: (1) Forming, (2) Storming, (3) Norming, and (4) Performing. Tuckman’s fifth stage, "adjourning," applies when completing a specific Ensemble product.

Ensemble membership is not limited to only MCW faculty and staff, and participation from our partner institutions and other academic institutions is highly encouraged. While most active team members are associated with MCW, there are members from all 8 partner institutions and other academic and community organizations. 

Cumulative Institutional Representation on Individual Teams

Through inter-institutional networking, the Ensemble Program, has cumulatively included representation from 38 institutions and 95 unique departments, among all those institutions. Team composition ranges from one to eight institutions per team with an average of two institutions represented on each team. Additionally, an average of 5 different departments are represented per team, ranging from one to 13 departments per team.

Our Partners


Collaborating Organizations

American Heart Association


Children's Hospital of Chicago

Children's National Hospital

Cleveland Clinic

Columbia University

Forge in Wisconsin

Hoag Hospital

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc. 

Islamic Society Milwaukee


Chicago University

Mayo Clinic



Mills-Peninsula Medical Center

Muslim Community Health Clinic

Pathways Counseling Center

Pennsylvania State University

Phoenix Children's Hospital

Project Bubaloo

Rosalind Franklin

Rush University

16th Street Community Health Clinic

State of Wisconsin

Taking Off Pounds Sensibly

University of Pittsburgh

University of Texas Medical Branch

Upstream Development LLC

Word of Hope Ministries