Funding Opportunities

Ensemble Program Funding Process and Request for Applications

The figure below provides an overview of an Ensemble Request For Application (RFA) timeline with example dates. Unlike other funding opportunities, an Ensemble RFA provides significant time to organize a Pre-Ensemble around an unmet patient medical need and provides supports in the process.

This includes a town hall Q&A presentation, and the assignment of a project manager to support the Pre-Ensemble’s efforts as they develop ideas, recruit members, and prepare a proposal. The timeline provides sufficient time to meet several times prior to writing and submitting a proposal. Supports may also include contributions from other CTSI functions and cores. If the Review Committee does not approve the team for funding, the Pre-Ensemble can continue working to improve ideas, and is provided CTSI supports to submit a revised proposal in a future Ensemble RFA.

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Active RFAs For Ensemble Funding

There are currently no active funding opportunities. Please become a CTSI member to receive notifications when future opportunities become available.