CTSI Education
Pre-college Programs: CTSI 500 Stars Initiative
CTSI Academy

CTSI Offering Intensive Course in Manuscript Writing
This course aims to help participants achieve greater success in writing competitive manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals.

Methods in Grant Preparation
Methods in Grant Preparation is a 13-week seminar conducted via Zoom. This series addresses how to succinctly state overall and specific hypotheses and specific aims with affirmation and relevance.

Bootcamp - Clinical Research Basics
The goal of this program is to provide research staff with important information on the research environment at MCW and its partners, while sharing tips and tools for the safe, efficient, ethical, and compliant conduct of research.

Research Coordinator Enrichment Series
The CTSI Academy is currently offering an education series that focuses on the practical aspects of clinical research at MCW and its partner institutions. Register now for the upcoming session!
Education Programs

Pre-Doctoral Programs
Learn about our pre-doctoral programs
Post-Doctoral Programs
Learn about our post-doctoral programs
Certificate Programs
Learn about our certificate programsContact Us
Clinical and Translational Science Institute of Southeast Wisconsin
Medical College of Wisconsin
(414) 955-8200
(414) 955-0500 (fax)