Implementation Science for Innovation and Discovery

Implementation Science for Innovation and Discovery

The CTSI Academy presents a new education series on Implementation Science (IS). This new education series will offer a monthly presentation for faculty, staff and students to facilitate development, application, and uptake of innovation in research and scholarly activities using implementation science (IS). The curriculum will use a mix of case-based, journal club-format and more theoretical presentations.

The goal of the series to create a local IS learning community and develop a core group of institutional IS experts. Participants will be able to build their IS expertise to scale up innovation and discovery in real-world practice.

Sessions will generally be offered every fourth Monday of the month (except December). Attendees can attend the presentations virtually or in-person.

Upcoming Session

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Why does healthcare remain unsafe despite decades of work and how implementation science can help make a difference

Monday, July 22, 2024 , 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. at the Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee Campus - MEB M1300 or Zoom

Speaker: Matthew Scanlon, MD, MS, CPPS, Professor of Pediatrics- Critical Care, Co-Director of the Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Pathway, Medical College of Wisconsin

Matt Scanlon is a Professor of Pediatric Critical Care with formal training in Quality Improvement, Patient Safety and Human Factors Engineering. He is internationally recognized for his expertise and actively assists The Joint Commission, the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research’s Patient Safety Network, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Patient Safety and Human Factors Certification programs.