MD/MS in Clinical and Translational Science Dual Degree Program

MD/MS in Clinical and Translational Science Dual Degree Program

The MD/MS in Clinical and Translational Science Program is designed for students who wish to pursue a medical career with a research focus.

During the first two years of the dual degree program, students complete the basic science coursework for the MD degree. In addition, dual degree students take some coursework to meet the requirements for the MS degree. MS degree coursework emphasizes clinical study design, biostatistics, and research methods, and provides students with an opportunity to conduct a mentored research project. Some coursework meets the requirements for both degrees. Students engage in their research projects during the summer between the first and second years of study and subsequent research electives during the third and fourth years of medical school.

Upon entering the dual degree program, students have a designated faculty advisor who will provide guidance in the program and assist them in identifying an area of research that is of interest to them. During the first year of the program, students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of research options and to identify a research mentor with whom they will work.

Research Opportunities

The Medical College of Wisconsin is a major national research center, representing the largest research institution in the Milwaukee metro area and second largest in Wisconsin. In FY 2018, $253 million invested in research, teaching, training and related purposes, which will lead to improved patient care and health outcomes. This total includes highly competitive research and training awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). More than 2,600 research studies, including clinical trials conducted in MCW’s FY 2018. The Medical College Wisconsin ranks in the top third of all U.S. medical schools in NIH research support.

The Medical College of Wisconsin’s research enterprise is focused on interdisciplinary collaboration among scientists and physicians with the goal of rapidly translating discoveries into advances for patient care. The Medical College of Wisconsin continues to expand its strong interdisciplinary research centers, joining faculty from many areas of specialized expertise to focus on cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurosciences, infectious diseases and immunology, and community and population health research. Enabling technological platforms include genetics, imaging, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, proteomics and structural biology, the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and the Institute for Health and Equity Trainees are given the opportunity to select their MD/MS research advisor from a wide array of successful investigators at the Medical College of Wisconsin.


The MD/MS Program welcomes applicants desiring careers as physician-researchers. All applicants must satisfy the requirements for MCW Medical School, which can be found on the MCW Medical School Admissions page. Applicants should have strong academic qualifications as well as experiences that demonstrate potential for success as clinician-investigators.

Application Process

  1. To apply to the MD/MS in Clinical & Translational Science (CTS) Program, complete the online AMCAS application through the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Important notes: The Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW Medical School) must be included in the list of schools to which the application will be sent. The AMCAS completion deadline is November 2. (date changes slightly year to year. Visit the MCW Medical School Admissions page for exact dates. Candidates for the MD/MS Program should select “Combined Medical Degree/Graduate” as the program type on the AMCAS application.
  2. Complete the online MCW Secondary Application which will be sent to you by the Admissions Office via email once your completed AMCAS application is received by MCW.
  3. At least two letters of recommendation are required. Applicants use the same letters as for their MD application. Visit the MCW Medical School Admissions page for additional details.

Interview Dates
An information session for the MD/MS program is provided on select MD interview days.

Applicants invited for MD/MS interviews will be offered an interview for both programs on the same day. A separate interview with a member of the MD/MS oversight committee will be held in the morning before the start of the medical school interview day.

Applicants who attend the information session and are subsequently admitted to the MD program may request to have their application forwarded to the MD/MS program for consideration. If an interview is granted for the MD/MS program, it can occur via phone.

Contact Us

Please contact our team with questions.

General Information

Angie Holtz

Program Manager
Medical College of Wisconsin