CTSI Post-Doctoral Programs
The CTSI offers a number of opportunities for postdoctoral training aimed at postdoctoral students and junior faculty who are interested in careers in clinical and translational research.
START (TL1) Mentored Research Training Program
The START TL1 award supports trainees seeking a practical introduction to clinical and translational research. The TL1 award provides full-time research training support for one year for a.) postdoctoral students with clinical degrees (as defined below) who are currently enrolled in a research degree granting program, and b.) pre-doctoral students (i.e. MD/PhD or PhD students) seeking additional training in clinical research.
Clinical Research Scholars Program
The mission of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute’s Clinical Research Scholars Program is to provide didactic training and individual mentoring in career development and clinical research to junior faculty who are committed to pursuing careers in clinical research, independently funded, clinical and translational investigators. The program faculty is dedicated to ensuring the success of its Clinical Research Scholars by requiring protected research time, a supportive research environment, research-related resources, individual mentoring and skills in clinical research methodology.
Mentored Career Development Program Awards
The overall goal of the Mentored Career Development Program award is to provide training opportunities for junior faculty working in clinical and translational research to become independent investigators. The programs focus on junior faculty with strong potential for careers in clinical and translational research.
Explore the Mentored Career Development Program Opportunities
Contact Us
Clinical and Translational Science Institute of Southeast Wisconsin
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Rd., Suite M1350
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 955-8200
(414) 955-0050 (fax)