2025 Pilot Award to Advance Translational Science

2025 Pilot Award to Advance Translational Science Request for Applications

The CTSI of Southeast Wisconsin is now accepting applications for the 2025 Pilot Award to Advance Translational Science. This CTSI award opportunity is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) –  National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and is designed to support proposals that advance Translational Science

It is the goal of the CTSI to diminish the barriers between institutions and disciplines while encouraging novel approaches to solving complex health related problems. Ultimately, we strive to improve health outcomes by creating new, bidirectional flows of information between our biomedical research enterprise and the community we serve. The Clinical and Translational Science Pilot (CTSP) Program offers this coordinated inter-institutional and interdisciplinary granting mechanism to stimulate, evaluate, and fund collaborative translational science Pilot proposals. In turn, our CTSP Program will converge scientists and the community of stakeholders around topics of mutual interest to advance translational science research. 

The duration of the award is 12-months. Under this mechanism, up to 4 awards for meritorious translational science proposals will be selected for up to $25,000 each.

The purpose of this award is to promote translational science and the development of innovative tools and methods to address barriers to translational and clinical research.

Applications should adhere to the principles of translational science, particularly generalizability, creativity, cross-disciplinary teams, and promotion of efficiency in research. As indicated by NIH-NCATS (PAR-21-293):

  • NOT ALLOWED: Traditional research projects, i.e., projects focused on a particular scientific question for a particular target or disease.
  • ALLOWED: Translational Science Projects which are intended to:
    • explore possible innovative new leads or new directions for established investigators;
    • stimulate investigators from other areas to lend their expertise in research in CTS; and
    • provide initial support to establish proof of concept.
  • Projects must be feasible within the proposed timeframe (12-months), have high methodological and scientific quality, and answer important scientific questions. 

Please note: Awards are contingent upon funding of the CTSI parent award.

Key Dates