MCW Research Language Services Core

MCW Research Language Services Core

The MCW Office of Research and CTSI Adult Translational Research Unit (ATRU) are pleased to announce the creation of the MCW Research Language Services Core which offers interpreter and written translation services for clinical research projects connected to MCW, Froedtert Hospital, Children’s Wisconsin, and CTSI Partner Institutions.


Informed consent, ongoing safety assessments, interviews, diet recalls, and clinical data can all be obtained by utilizing these language assistance services through LanguageLine Solutions and/or CTSI ATRU/CTO Staff to ensure effective communication with adult non-English speaking research participants. Interpretive services for pediatric patients and families should utilize CW Language Services. 

LanguageLine Solutions eliminates cultural and language access barriers to communication and provides research staff one-touch instant access to accurate audio/video interpretation and written translation supported by 20,000+ certified interpreters in more than 240+ top languages, 24/7/365. All language assistance services/tools are confidential, secure, and HIPAA-compliant.

Interpretive & Written Translation Services

Interpreters and translation professionals must be unbiased and impartial and have an obligation to preserve accuracy and correct any error of interpretation during the process in order to maintain the authenticity of the translation. All final products/documentation should be reviewed for accuracy, completeness, and cultural or linguistic nuances to ensure that the final context has the same meaning and intent as the original source material. Note: All Spanish translated IRB templates have also been back-translated to accommodate NIH-funded research.

  • Spanish Interpretative Services (In-Person/Phone) - CTSI ATRU/CTO Bi-Lingual Staff
  • LanguageLine App - Interpretative Services (Phone/Video)
  • LanguageLine Solutions - Written Translation Services 


research language Services Core - Pricing  Unit Price
ATRU iPad Rental $5.00/visit
LanguageLine OPI (Audio Only) Spanish $0.80/minute
LanguageLine OPI (Audio Only) Other $0.80/minute
LanguageLine VRI (Video) - Spanish $1.35/minute
LanguageLine VRI (Video) - Other $1.35/minute
LanguageLine VRI (Video) - ASL $1.85/minute
LanguageLine Document Translation - Spanish $0.16/word (Outside 1500 Word Memory Text/Boiler Plate)
LanguageLine Document Translation - Russian $0.24/word
LanguageLine Document Translation - German $0.26/word
LanguageLine Document Translation - Hmong $0.32/word
LanguageLine Document Translation - Arabic $0.24/word
LanguageLine Document Translation - Chinese $0.26/word
LanguageLine Proofreading/Review - Spanish/Russian/German/Hmong/Arabic $65.00/hour

OPI - Over-the-Phone Interpretation
VRI - Video Remote Interpretation


All LanguageLine Solutions users must have an active iLab account for billing purposes. The iLab system allows researchers to order, track, and pay for core services in a convenient, one-stop location.

Request an iLab account, access training and more

Contact Us

Main Contacts

Renee Dex - ATRU Research Nurse Manager

(414) 805-7404


Shanette Cooper - ATRU Medical Asst Lead

(414) 805-7300
