CTSI Announces the 2025 RFA for the Clinical Research Scholars Program for junior faculty committed to pursuing careers in academic medicine as independently funded, clinical and translational investigators.
- Application Opens: November 1, 2024
- Application Deadline: April 30, 2025
- Program Start Date: September 9, 2025
Application Instructions
The Clinical Research Scholars Program is a major initiative in the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) to assist junior faculty in developing their research careers. With over twenty years of experience in training junior faculty in critical competencies for successful research careers, the Clinical Research Scholars Program has been successful in helping our graduates achieve external funding, establish strong publication records and receive national recognition. Our program emphasizes the following skills: grantsmanship, ethical conduct in research, research study design, grant management, research career development, and effective scientific communication via abstracts, manuscripts, and presentations.
Program Requirements
Clinical Research Scholars are required to:
- Attend seminars twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 8-10 am Central Time. Attendance is required.
- Demonstrate research-related core competencies in research methods
- Complete the MCW Human Research Protection Certification Program (CITI or equivalent), if not already completed
- Submit manuscripts for publication
- Complete additional individualized curriculum components
- Meet regularly with program advisors and research mentors
- Develop a clinical research proposal and submit the proposal to a funding agency by the end of the 2-year curriculum
- Participate/present at the CTSI’s Translational Research Seminars
Application Process
All junior faculty at CTSI partnering institutions, who are seeking to pursue careers in clinical/translational research, are encouraged to apply. Candidates must have a letter of support from their departmental chair guaranteeing a minimum of 20% (40% is recommended) protected time for research activities. Each candidate must have a research mentor and a clinical/translational research project to be developed into a grant proposal during the program. After receipt of all of the application materials, the CRSP Selection Committee will review the candidate’s material. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Acceptance into the program is made on a competitive basis. Decisions to accept candidates are made on the basis of the 1) candidate’s interest and commitment to a research career, 2) assurances that the candidate will have sufficient protected time to engage in research-related activities, and 3) quality and feasibility of the proposed clinical project.
Please complete the entire application. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
- Part I – Applicant Information (Fillable form fields)
Please complete all of the items listed. Be sure to list all of the individuals who will be writing a letter of support, including your department chair and primary mentor.
- Department Chair’s Letter of Support & Nomination (File upload)
Note that the letter of support from your department chair must explicitly state that you will have at least 20% protected time (stronger applications state 40%) for research activities.
- Part II A-B – Personal Statement and Commitment Plan (File upload; 2 pages maximum)
Please limit your personal statement and commitment plan to a maximum of two pages. Be sure to include your background in clinical/ translational research (education, previous roles in grants, etc.) and what impact this has had on your career. Also, please describe your future career goals and how your participation in the CRSP will help you accomplish those goals.
- Part III – Research Proposal (Fillable form fields)
Please provide a brief narrative of your intended research focus for the 2-year Clinical Research Scholars Program with the headings below: (Each section should be one paragraph)
- Statement of the problem (include importance to field)
- Specific research question
- Proposed methods (e.g., who, what, how)
- Preliminary results (if available)
- Anticipated conclusions and how these might relate to future research directions
- Part IV – Advisors and Resources (Fillable form fields)
List all additional advisors / mentors who will not be submitting a letter of support but will have a significant role in guiding your research project and career. List any additional resources that you have or need, but are not listed.
- Additional Files (File uploads)
- Applicant’s updated Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of Applicant’s Publications (up to three in a single document) – Candidate’s previous work related to the research project or a key article in the field.
- Mentor Plan: This form should be filled out by your primary mentor. (Separate form; all fillable fields) A unique URL will be sent to the mentor once the mentor’s information has been added in the application. This is the same mentor that is providing the letter of support in Part I of this application. Your mentor also needs to provide a current NIH-style biosketch.
Application Deadline
Applications are due by April 30, 2025. Program begins September 9, 2025.
All applications must be received electronically through linked forms. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at the phone number or email below.
Kristin Nord
Program Manager
Clinical & Translational Science Institute
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Rd., Suite M1350
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |