Image De-id

Image De-Identification Service

CTSI offers a service to anonymize images and a centralized data management resource to assist investigators and research studies.

Request Image De-Identification Services

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

De-Identification services are closed on weekends and holidays. No requests, including expedited turnaround times, will be executed over weekends or holidays.

De-Identification Service Request Form

Follow-Up Request Form

Protecting the health and safety of Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin patients is a top priority. To facilitate research, the CTSI provides a service for anonymizing images and a centralized data management resource to support investigators and research studies. The service center has implemented a series of systems that consistently enforce HIPAA regulations for image extracts from PACS, thereby protecting patient confidentiality and allowing selective data sharing among collaborators and industry sponsors.

All imaging data will be delivered within our XNAT environment, which allows us to make imaging data openly accessible to collaborators. XNAT is an open-source imaging informatics software platform developed by the Neuroinformatics Research Group at Washington University. By managing data with XNAT, laboratories are prepared to better maintain the long-term integrity of their data, to explore emergent relations across data types, and to share their data with the broader neuroimaging community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you handle data formats other than those that come from PACS, such as echocardiogram movies?
No, video formats are not available yet. We are currently Piloting video de-identification.
Once de-identified, how can I tell which accession numbers below to which subject, since this data is removed from the images?

If you are already using de-identified Subject IDs, please use them when you submit your list of Accession IDs. We will then use your IDs. If not, your project will get random subject IDs. Example: Subject1, Subject2, etc.

After each set of images has been processed, we will provide you with a spreadsheet that includes Accession IDs you submitted paired with the subject IDs we used for you to keep in your records. For security reasons, these will never be stored on the XNAT.

Can you de-identify images from Children's Wisconsin or the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center?
No, we solely have processes and agreements in place for access to images from Froedtert.
Can I get the images in formats other than DICOM?
No, we only deliver images in DICOM format. You are responsible for conversion to other formats using tools like RadiantViewer.
How long will my images be stored on the XNAT server for our study?
There is currently no time limit. We are in the process of determining length of storage, but a timeline has not yet been determined. We will not remove your images without notifying you in advance.
How quickly will I receive my images?
After receiving approval from OCRICC, standard turnaround time is 5 business days. You may request expedited processing (1 or 2 days), which carries an additional fee per request. No work on de-identification is performed during non-business hours or on weekends and holidays.
What is the cost of this service?
Please view the Processes and Fees page for more information.

View Processes and Fees

What is the process of using de-identified images in publications or presentations for education and training?

MCW Corporate Policy (AD.HP.040) Use and Disclosure of PHI for Treatment, Payment & Health Care Operations requires a PI to get separate patient authorization for the use of protected health information. The policy states: An authorization from the patient is required prior to using PHI for external case study presentations or in publications, or at grand rounds or other forums when attendees may include non-MCW employees/residents/students. Use of PHI in these instances is not considered health care operations.

In order to get images de-identified for education and training complete the De-Identification Request Form (image de-identification form) and enter Education & Training as the Study Name. Fill in today’s date as the start and end dates. Once the form has been completed we will contact you.

What language should I include in IRB Applications
How should I cite CBMI de-identification services?

Please acknowledge the Medical College of Wisconsin CTSA Grant UL1TR001436. All publications must comply with NIH Public Access Policy.

Researchers other than K Scholars (KL2) – Please cite Grant UL1TR001436, as follows:
“This publication [or project] was supported by the National Center for Research Resources and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through Grant Number UL1TR001436. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”

K Scholars (KL2) – Please cite Grant KL2TR001438, as follows:
“This publication [or project] was supported by the National Center for Research Resources, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, and the Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health, through Grant Number KL2TR001438. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”