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Medical College of Wisconsin

MCW Cores and Campus Shared Resources
The Research Resource Operations Committee (RROC), under the direction of the MCW Office of Research, has launched a new website with up to date information on shared research resources that are available on the MCW campus.
View the Resources Directory

LocationLocationNameDescriptionLinkCTSI Core/ServiceFree Core Access
Medical College of WisconsinmcwBIACORE 3000 INSTRUMENT More InfoThe BIAcore 3000 instrument integrates surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology with a microfluidics system to monitor molecular interactions in real time at concentrations ranging from pM to mM. This label-free technology can detect a wide range of molecular masses from 180Da to >1000kDa. The high sensitivity and high through-put capabilities allows for the detection of drug-protein, hormone-protein, protein-protein, DNA-protein, carbohydrate-protein, and lipid-protein interactions. The ability to interface with mass spectrometers provides discovery-based research in proteomic studies.

The BIAcore 3000 instrument is available to all Medical College of Wisconsin faculty and staff who have been trained and demonstrate the ability to use microfluidic-based instrumentation. Training and consultation are available on an appointment basis.


Department of Biochemistry, BSB 367A
Medical College of WisconsinmcwBIOENERGETICS SHARED RESOURCE More InfoThe MCW Cancer Center Bioenergetics Shared Resource (CCBSR) is dedicated to cancer research by utilizing cutting edge technology to make advancements in the field. The MCW CCBSR is located on the second floor in the MACC Fund Research Center (MFRC), Room 2013. Two main instruments are housed within the CCBSR laboratory: a Shimadzu Liquid Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry 8030 System (Shimadzu LC MS/MS (Fig. 2A) and a Seahorse Bioscience XF96 extracellular flux analyzer (Seahorse Bioscience XF96) (Fig. 2B). These instruments enable profiling and quantification of multiple metabolic pathways, including assessment of mitochondrial and glycolytic function in cancer cell culture models, allow for assessment of mitochondrial toxicity of novel chemotherapeutic agents, and can be used in longitudinal studies of tumorigenesis prevention. The Shimadzu LC MS/MS system is also capable of detecting and quantifying multiple metabolites simultaneously in biological samples. Investigators wishing to use these instruments design experiments in collaboration with the MCW CCBSR staff to ensure The MCW Cancer Center Bioenergetics Shared Resource (CCBSR) is dedicated to cancer research by utilizing cutting edge technology to make advancements in the field. The MCW CCBSR is located on the second floor in the MACC Fund Research Center (MFRC), Room 2013. Two main instruments are housed within the CCBSR laboratory: a Shimadzu Liquid Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry 8030 System (Shimadzu LC MS/MS (Fig. 2A) and a Seahorse Bioscience XF96 extracellular flux analyzer (Seahorse Bioscience XF96) (Fig. 2B). These instruments enable profiling and quantification of multiple metabolic pathways, including assessment of mitochondrial and glycolytic function in cancer cell culture models, allow for assessment of mitochondrial toxicity of novel chemotherapeutic agents, and can be used in longitudinal studies of tumorigenesis prevention. The Shimadzu LC MS/MS system is also capable of detecting and quantifying multiple metabolites simultaneously in biological samples. Investigators wishing to use these instruments design experiments in collaboration with the MCW CCBSR staff to ensure technical proficiency and accurate analysis of the data.

Services Provided: A wide range of experimental applications of extracellular flux and metabolomic studies can be performed with the instruments in the MCW CCBSR facility. Using the Seahorse Bioscience XF96 (a fluorescence-based microplate assay), we can simultaneously measure both oxygen consumption rate and extracellular acidification rate in a noninvasive manner. The Seahorse Bioscience XF96 system allows investigators to examine mitochondrial function, glycolytic function, fatty acid oxidation, glucose metabolism, glutamine metabolism, and metabolic phenotypes all in cancer models. Using the Shimadzu LC MS/MS, we offer enhanced and fast detection and quantification of extra- and intra-cellular substrates and metabolites, metabolic profiling/phenotyping, and drug/compound screening. The instruments are dedicated solely to analyze cancer bioenergetics, making the MCW CCBSR not only an important resource, but also extremely unique, since both instruments are not available elsewhere on the MCW campus.
Medical College of WisconsinmcwBIOMOLECULAR NMR FACILITY More InfoThe NMR Facility is an interdepartmental research service unit located in the Biochemistry Department. High-field NMR spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the study of biomolecular structure and dynamics. The facility provides service for routine 1D and 2D NMR methods, and can also provide consultation and collaborative assistance with the acquisition and analysis of multidimensional, multinuclear protein NMR spectra. The facility operates two Bruker 600 MHz and one 500 MHz NMR spectrometers, each equipped with 1H/13C/15N cryoprobes for enhanced sensitivity in biomolecular applications. In addition, a Bruker 300 MHz NMR spectrometer is available for routine analytical NMR of small molecules. For some long-term projects, the facility provides training for instrument operation and data analysis to investigators and research personnel. The facility operates on a fee-for-service basis and is open to faculty of the Medical College of Wisconsin and outside researchers.

Two Bruker 600 MHz spectrometers with 1H/13C/15N cryoprobes
500 MHz NMR spectrometer with 1H/13C/15N cryoprobes
Medical College of WisconsinmcwBIOPHOTONIC IMAGING CORE More InfoThe Biophotonic Imaging Core is available to all investigators for live animal imaging using bioluminescent or fluorescent molecules as reporters of gene or protein expression. Potential users must be trained on the instrument(s) and must have an IACUC-approved imaging protocol before using the core.


IVIS Biophotonic™ Lumina
Maestro™ Multi-Spectral Imaging System
Medical College of WisconsinmcwBIOSAFETY LEVEL 3 (BSL3) LABS AND ANIMAL BIOSAFETY LEVEL 3 (ABSL3) ROOMS More InfoThe BSL3 laboratories and ABSL3 rooms are core MCW facilities allowing manipulation and safe handling of pathogenic microorganisms requiring BSL3 and/or ABSL3 containment. This facility comprises approximately 10,000 square feet and includes dedicated BSL3 and ABSL3 suites. The BSL3 suite contains 4 separate containment labs, two of which are equipped for “enhanced” containment practices. Individual BSL3 laboratories range in size from approximately 130 square feet to 210 square feet and contain either one or two 6-ft class II-B1 cabinets.

The ABSL3 suite consists of 4 individual animal rooms. Each ABSL3 animal room is approximately 125 square feet and contains one 6-ft class II-B1 bio-safety cabinet and can house up one Allentown Bio-Containment rodent cage rack (Model: BCU-3000-30B), which holds 49 individually sealed and ventilated cages.

Class II-B1 biosafety cabinets
Allentown Bio-Containment Unit caging (Model: BCU-3000-30B)
Glas-Col Inhalation Exposure System
Coy Anaerobic Chamber
Flow cytometry instrument: Guava easyCyte HT
Medical College of WisconsinmcwBIOSTATISTICAL CONSULTATION More InfoThe Biostatistics Consulting Service in the Division of Biostatistics at the Medical College of Wisconsin provides comprehensive statistical consulting and data entry services to clients inside and outside the Medical College.

Additionally, our faculty and staff have extensive experience in grant preparation of NIH, NSF, CTSI, Department of Education, HRSA, Healthier Wisconsin, and VA grants. We have also helped prepare proposals for a number of private research foundations.


Health Research Center, 2400


Assistance with design and analysis of clinical trials
Design and analysis of observational studies
Design and analysis of surveys
Assistance with public databases
Sample size and power calculations
Data analysis and interpretation
Medical College of WisconsinmcwCARDIOVASCULAR CENTER (CVC) CORE EQUIPMENT More InfoThe CVC maintains an array of equipment for use by CVC members. Much of this equipment is located in core equipment rooms for which card access is required. Researchers in member labs who need access to specific pieces of equipment must apply to the CVC for access to the appropriate room(s) prior to requesting access from MCW. Some training may be required before access approval will be granted.

MCW faculty not directly associated with the CVC may request limited access by contacting Greg McQuestion.


BioRad Bio-Plex

Beckman DU640 spectrophotometer

Savant Speed-Vac

BioRad Gel Dryer

Nikon TE-2000U

Nikon E-55i

Nikon E600/spot RT

Microm cryostat

Typhoon imager – Out of Service

BioRad cell counter

BioRad iCycler real-time PCR

Nikon A1-R confocal Microscope

Surgical suite and animal prep (approved IACUC AUA# required) – CVC investigators only

Thermo Scientific RC-6 PLUS Superspeed Centrifuge

Beckman Coulter Optima XPN 100-IVD
Medical College of WisconsinmcwCENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE RESEARCH SHARED RESOURCES More InfoThe mission of the Center for Infectious Disease Research (CIDR), formerly known as the Center for Biopreparedness and Infectious Disease (CBID), is to enhance research efforts that focus on understanding the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis related to infection with all types of microorganisms, viruses, fungi or parasites. These efforts also include programs to define pathogen and host factors contributing to disease resistance or susceptibility, host recognition of foreign materials and the innate and adaptive immune responses following exposure to infectious organisms.


QP Expression Colony Picking Robot from Genetix

Gel documentation system: AlphaImager

Flow cytometry instrument: Guava easyCyte HT

Multicolor real-time PCR detection system:iCycler iQ

Ultrasonic liquid processor: Sonicator 3000

Suspension array system:Bio-Plex 200 system with Bio-Plex Pro II wash station

Ultracentrifuge:Optima TLX ultracentrifuge

French Press

Barnstead E-pur water system

BioRad CFX Real Time PCR system (owned by Coburn lab)

Nano Drop (owned by Zahrt lab)
Medical College of WisconsinmcwCOMMUNITY TRU More InfoThe Community TRU helps accommodate research studies for larger, more long-term projects, incorporating flexibility as these locations change. Sites will be linked to the hospital-based TRUs for testing and procedures not available remotely or through the Mobile TRU.

The C-TRU establishes small, temporary research facilities throughout the Greater Milwaukee area. Facilities include underrepresented & minority community centers and agencies, as well as the Center for AIDS Intervention Research (CAIR) and similar cooperative centers.
Medical College of WisconsinmcwELECTRON MICROSCOPY CORE FACILITY More InfoThe Electron Microscopy Core Facility at the Medical College of Wisconsin is an interdepartmental research service unit managed on behalf of the Medical College by the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and the Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy. The facility provides service, consultation for research and some training for projects requiring transmission electron microscopy. The Facility operates on a fee-for-service basis and is open to all Medical College of Wisconsin faculty, staff, and students; investigators at affiliated institutions and other non-MCW investigators.

Services include:

Complete tissue processing facilities
Immuno-electron microscopy
Negative staining
Enzyme cytochemistry
Ultrastructural Electron Tomography

JEOL 2100 electron microscope equipped with a 2K x 2K ultrahigh resolution digital camera
Hitachi 600 electron microscope
Leica EMPact 2 high pressure freezing apparatus
Leica Automated Freeze Substitution apparatus
RMC Powertome & 6000 ultramicrotomes
Medical College of WisconsinmcwEPIDEMIOLOGY DATA RESOURCE CENTER More InfoThe Epidemiology Data Resource Center (EDRC) is located within the Division of Epidemiology in the Institute for Health and Society and is a centralized resource for secondary health and demographic data and provides expertise in the use of spatial data and geographic information systems (GIS). Services include:

Generation of summary statistics
Preparation of dataset extracts
Lending data management and preparation expertise
Assistance with survey weighting and complex survey design analysis considerations
Assistance with long-term secondary data research projects
Mapping and other spatial analysis services
Resource for GIS information
Over 200 databases from various sources (for example, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; National Center for Health Statistics; US Census Bureau; Wisconsin Hospital Association/WI Bureau of Health Information; and more).

ArcGIS for Desktop
Medical College of WisconsinmcwIRRADIATOR CORE More InfoThe Core consists of an irradiator that can be used to irradiate live animals, particularly mice and rats. One can also irradiate cells in culture using this instrument. Access to the irradiator requires training and approval by MCW radiation safety. Instrument-specific training will be conducted by the facility director, Dr. L. William Cashdollar.NoNo
Medical College of WisconsinmcwMACROMOLECULAR X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY FACILITY More InfoThe Department of Biochemistry houses state-of-the-art instrumentation dedicated to Structural Biology research. The facility includes chromatographic systems for protein purification, an in-house X-ray diffraction core and an automated crystallization system for high-throughput screening and optimization. High-end computer workstations have been set up for 3-D graphic visualization and crystallographic analysis.

The X-ray facility is located on the second floor of the Translational Biomedical Research Center (TBRC). The facility houses an X-ray diffraction system consisting of a Rigaku R-AXIS IV++ image plate detector system and MicroMax 007 generator equipped with Osmic confocal mirrors and an X-treme crystal cryo-cooler. The crystallization system includes a Hamilton STAR for solution making and a Phoenix for nanoliter crystallization and visualization.

The facility is open to faculty members of the Medical College of Wisconsin. Various levels of training are available and collaborative arrangements can be made to scientists both inside and outside of the MCW community.

Rigaku R-AXIS IV++ image plate detector system and MicroMax 007 generator equipped with Osmic confocal mirrors and an X-treme crystal cryo-cooler;

Hamilton Automated Crystallization System;

Phoenix Automated Crystallization System;

Graphics workstation
Medical College of WisconsinmcwMASS SPECTROMETRY FOR PROTEOMICS – OFFICE OF RESEARCH More InfoMass Spectrometry Facility for Proteomics is a core laboratory within the Office of Research dedicated to the advancement of biomedical science through collaborative interactions with the research community at large. The Facility operates on a fee-for-service basis and specializes in protein identification, quantification, and characterization of post-translational modifications. Enzymatic digestion followed by sample purification is provided on a routine basis. Techniques for special sample handling include phosphopeptide enrichment, iTRAQ labeling, processing of SILAC-labeled samples, and sample fractionation. Bioinformatics tools are available for database searching and statistical analysis of complex data sets. Facility personnel work with investigators to help determine their experimental goals and to individually tailor the mass spectrometry workflow to suit their research needs.


Translational Biomedical Research Center, Room C0825


Thermo LTQ Orbitrap Velos with ETD and Waters NanoAcuity HPLC*
Thermo LTQ Orbitrap Velos and Eksigent NanoLC 2D HPLC*
Thermo LTQ XL and Eksigent Ekspert 425 HPLC*
Max Quant software for database searching and Perseus software for post-search processing*
Mascot software for database searching*
Protein Center software for post-search processing*
Skyline software for experimental design and data analysis*
Thermo Xcalibur software for analysis of raw data*
Raw Meat software for assessment of raw data quality*
* Facility technicians use on behalf of investigators.
Medical College of WisconsinmcwMRI SERVICES More InfoThrough the Center of Imaging Research, the CTSI Imaging Core unites basic and clinical scientists of various disciplines to further the development and application of functional imaging in health and disease. The CTSI Imaging Core provides cutting-edge imaging technology, expertise, and the state-of-the-art imaging facility to forge collaborative research among all eight CTSI partner institutions.

GE Healthcare MR750 3T Human MRI;

GE Healthcare MR950 7T Human MRI;

Bruker 9.4T Small Animal MRI;

Triumph Micro SPECT-CT;

CTSI Mock MRI Scanner for subject training (Froedtert East Pavilion)
Medical College of WisconsinmcwOBSERVATIONAL METHODS More InfoThe Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center Observational Methods shared resource provides access to specialized services and expertise in the use of large databases. These datasets and the team’s knowledge support cancer research, grant applications, and publication in high-impact journals.

By providing access to specialized services and expertise, the Observational Methods Shared Resource is crucial not only to ensure the success of studies, but also to enhance the scientific interaction and productivity of researchers who perform observational database research.

Services & Resources:

Project feasibility and study design
Dataset availability
Preliminary data for grant applications
Basic data manipulation and analyses
New dataset identification and application process for purchase and acquisition
Database maintenance (provide server and data security measures)
Increase awareness of datasets and collaboration of researchers
Examples of Available Datasets:

Cancer-specific registries (National Cancer Database (NCDB), Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER), SEER-Medicare, state tumor registries)
Administrative databases (Chronic Condition Warehouse, Medicare)
Provider-related databases (American Medical Association’s Physician Professional database, American Hospital Association’s Annual Survey, Area Resource File)
Sociodemographic databases (Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes (RUCA), U.S. Census Data, Area Resource File)
Also works closely with MCW’s Institute for Health and Society’s Epidemiology Data Resource Center and MCW’s Children’s Hospital’s Center for Clinical Effectiveness Research regarding additional available secondary datasets at this institution

Three servers (one 24 TB server and two 48X core application servers)
Medical College of WisconsinmcwPATIENT CARE AND OUTCOMES RESEARCH (PCOR) INVESTIGATOR SUPPORT SERVICES More InfoThe MCW Center for Patient Care and Outcomes Research facilitates a supportive environment for MCW investigators developing funded research programs. Investigators work closely with administrative staff to plan and implement research programs as well as interface with faculty and programs throughout MCW. CME-accredited seminars occur on a biweekly basis to present and discuss research. Research groups formed around specific projects meet weekly to assess progress, discuss challenges and findings of ongoing work, and plan next steps. Biostatisticians affiliated with PCOR bring statistical expertise in several related areas including health services research, survey development and analyses, and scale development.

Services include:

Analysis of Complex Databases
Administrative databases (e.g., Medicare)
Clinical databases
Cancer registries
Linked clinical and administrative databases
Primary Data Collection
Qualitative research
Survey research
Prospective cohort studies
Intervention studies
Randomized trials of behavioral interventions
Community-Based Research
Community-based participatory research
Cross-cultural research methods
Development of Measures and Outcome Assessments
Quality of life measures
Survey development
Scale development
Knowledge Synthesis
Decision analysis and modeling
Meta-analyses / structured reviews
Comparative effectiveness

Hard drive storage and processing on dedicated servers
Medical College of WisconsinmcwPHYSIOLOGY BIOCHEMICAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORY More InfoThe Physiological Biochemical Analytical Laboratory provides a consolidated, highly specialized, well equipped and professionally staffed analytical laboratory capable of performing a wide variety of immunoassays, HPLC based, clinical chemistry and biochemical analyses. The priority of this laboratory is to meet the analytical needs of members of the Department of Physiology and collaborating individuals.

Alfa-wasserman autoanalyzers optimized for clinical chemistry analysis on small samples obtained from rodents
6 fully automated HPLC systems equipped with UV
Fluorescent and absorbance plate readers
Fluorescent, radiochemical and electrochemical detectors
Beta and gamma counters
Flame photometers
Medical College of WisconsinmcwPRE-REVIEW SERVICE FOR NEW INVESTIGATORS More InfoCTSI’s Pre-Review Service for New Investigators provides services and information for all clinical and translational investigators. Its purpose is to provide assistance in research protocol, IRB submissions, conduct pre-reviews of regulatory documents, and support education regarding regulatory requirements.
General information or brief consultation regarding availability of resources and services to support clinical and translational research
Education and training in meeting regulatory requirements for clinical research
Pre-review of investigator-prepared regulatory documents: a review of all draft documents prior to submission to the IRB to ensure that they are complete, correct, and consistent
Pre-review includes a comprehensive review of all draft documents to assure they are completed correctly and that the information presented is consistent among the study documents.
In addition, the protocol review includes analysis of recruitment procedures, data collection, risks, safety precautions, and protection of confidentiality. This review is done to assist investigators in presenting complete, accurate, and thorough applications prior to submission to the IRB.
Review is of full board, exempt, and expedited submissions.
A Pre-Review typically results in a significant decrease in the time required to attain final approval of the protocol
Medical College of WisconsinmcwQUANTITATIVE MOLECULAR (CONFOCAL) IMAGING FACILITY More InfoThe Quantitative Molecular Imaging Facility is an interdepartmental research service unit located in the Biotechnology and Bioengineering Center. The facility includes a state-of-the-art Leica TCS SP5 Confocal Microscope System combined with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and multi-photon laser. We provide consultation and service for a variety of quantitative imaging of single molecules, cells, isolated tissues and organs, or intact animal preparations. The system is also capable of quantitatively analyzing molecular-molecular interactions in live cells using FCS as well as fluorescence energy transfer (FRET). Other specific features of the instrument include:

Ultra-high speed real time confocal imaging (250 frames/sec.)
Multi-photon laser scanning
Five channels detection with an Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter (AOBS)
Advanced multi-color restoration and spectral un-mixing capabilities
Fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching (FRAP)
The facility will also provide training for operation and data analysis to investigators and research personnel. The facility operates on a fee-for-service basis and is open to faculty of the Medical College of Wisconsin and outside researchers.

Leica TCS SP5 Confocal Microscope System
Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter (AOBS)
Medical College of WisconsinmcwRADIATION BIOLOGY SERVICE CENTER More InfoThe Service Center Irradiation Core is suitable for large animals, can irradiate small volumes of both large and small animals, and can irradiate tumors and cells at various dose rates. The Irradiation Core is available on a fee-for-service basis.

The service center also breeds, houses and sells the only WAG/Rij rats strain in the United States.

Teletherapy unit
X-RAD 320 kVp X-ray unit
Pantak 320 kVp X-ray unit
Medical College of WisconsinmcwRAT RESEARCH MODELS SERVICE CENTER More InfoThe center provides the service of distributing specific rats (strain, line, chromosomes, and genetic codes). We ship animals within the facility as well as worldwide.NoNo
Medical College of WisconsinmcwREGENERATIVE MEDICINE CORE More InfoThe Regenerative Medicine Core seeks to encourage stem cell research at MCW by offering a laboratory (a) to guarantee the availability of ES cells that retain a normal karyotype and full pluripotency, (b) to maintain, characterize and transgenically manipulate human embryonic stem (ES) cells for investigational purposes, and (c) to offer training to investigators so that they can transfer the technologies to their own laboratories.


Basic Science Building-414


3 normoxic and 3 hypoxic (4% O2) cell culture incubators (5% CO2)
Use is available only after training
5 tissue culture laminar flow hoods (Class 2 Type A, and A2 for lentivirus)
Use is available only after training
Nikon TMZ microscope for general use
Use is available only after training
PCR enclosure with Nikon SMZ800 stereomicroscope for manually selecting (scratching) pluripotent colonies
Use is available only after training
Nikon eclipse TE300 microscope configured for fluorescent imaging
Use is available only after training
BTX electroporation system
Use is available only after training
Amaxa Nucelofector II
Use is available only after training
Applied Biosystems StepOne Plus RT-PCR System
Use is available only after training
Applied Biosystems Proflex PCR System
Use is available only after training
SPOT imaging software ver 5.1.1
Use is available only after training
Environmental storage (limited)
Use is available only after training
Clinical (low speed) centrifuge
Use is available only after training
Medical College of WisconsinmcwRESEARCH COMPUTING CENTER More Info
The Research Computing Center is a new unit within MCW IS dedicated to supporting researchers and receiving direction from the Office of Research. A faculty advisory group is being formed. The intent is to provide computer resources to MCW researchers at a heavily subsidized rate to enable better preliminary data analysis and enhance the resources available for meritorious applications.

Provide High Performance Computing Platforms

Manage open source scientific applications on three HPC platforms:

A 408 Core Linux MPI cluster
A 3 Terabyte RAM 40 Core Large Memory Linux server
Four Graphical Processing Unit Servers with Three Nvidia K40 (2880 core ) each
The current software list includes Charmm, Gromacs, NAMD, VMD, R, Bioconductor, Matlab, Bowtie2, Cufflinks, Hmmr, Tophat, Samtools, and FreeSurfer.

High Performance Storage

Provide large short term storage for analyses:

Isilon Storage pool 870TB with seven I/O nodes
Isilon Replication pool with 280TB with three I/O nodes
Tape Library with four LTO 6 (6.25 TB) drives for archiving
The Storage pool and the HPC Systems are connected by a dedicated 10Gb LAN for maximum throughput.

Software Licensing and Management

The RCC manages the license and license servers for EndNote, GraphPad Prism, X-Win32, Matlab, SPSS, PyMOL and AxPyMOL. Licenses are offered at a significant discount.

Research Server Management

The RCC will configure, install, manage and operate servers for Research Cores within the Office or Research.

Grant Submission Assistance

RCC will assist in evaluation of resources and processes needed to comply with data security requirements and provide boilerplate language to describe existing resources. It can also assist in identifying existing MCW resources that could be used for research efforts and design efficient solutions for research problems when needed.
Medical College of WisconsinmcwRESEARCH EQUIPMENT SUPPORT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES (RESES) More InfoThe RESES Core is staffed by David Eick, a Mechanical Design Engineer with over 27 years’ experience in custom designing, building, and repairing of biomedical devices. The RESES Core can help researchers accomplish their goals while keeping costs at a minimum.

Services include:

Equipment repair
Custom precision machinery
New equipment setup & technical consultation
Integrated solutions
Annual service contracts at competitive rates
Priority response available
Medical College of WisconsinmcwSCIENTIFIC WRITING ASSISTANCE More InfoCTSI offers assistance to investigators writing research grant applications, manuscripts, patent applications, or other research-related materials.YesNo
Medical College of WisconsinmcwSEQUENCING SERVICE CORE More InfoThe HMGC Sequencing Service Core Facility is a state-of-the-art Next-Generation Sequencing fee-for-service facility serving the Medical campus as well as clients around the world. We can perform a broad range of Next-Generation and traditional sequencing applications and offer extremely high quality data at competitive prices.

Illumina HiSeq 2000/2500/MiSeq Sequencer
PacBio RS Sequencer
ABI 3730xl DNA Sequencer
Covaris E210 Acoustic DNA Shearer
Agilent Bioanalyzer
Medical College of WisconsinmcwSHARED MASS SPECTROMETRY FACILITY More InfoThe MSMS Facility is an interdepartmental research service unit managed on behalf of the Medical College of Wisconsin by the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. The facility provides service and consultation for research projects requiring mass spectrometric analysis (fundamental, identification and quantitation) of a variety of compounds. The facility operates on a fee for service basis and is open for faculty of the Medical College of Wisconsin and outside researchers.

The MSMS Facility has various mass spectrometers with different configuration available for researchers’ needs in analysis of their samples.

Triple Quadrupole-LC Mass Spectrometer
The Agilent 6460 Triple Quad LC/MS/MS consists of electrospray ionization (ESI) source and triple quadrupole mass analyzer. The system is interfaced to a 1290 Infinity liquid chromatograph for fast chromatography. The mass analyzer has an upper range of 3000 m/z in both positive and negative detection modes and a data-sampling rate of 150 SRMs per second. The 6460 routinely achieves fmol sensitivity and it is suitable for the qualitative and quantitative determinations of small molecules such as lipids, steroids, drugs and metabolites, nucleic acids, and peptides. The fast data sampling allows rapid analysis of the most complex samples.

Triple Quadrupole-LC Mass Spectrometer
The Waters Quattro micro APCI mass spectrometer (LC/MS/MS) consists of Z-spray source for electrospray ionization (ESI) and chemical ionization (APCI) with the capability of performing a variety of CID experiments. The analyzer has a mass range up to 2000 m/z in both positive and negative detection modes. The Quattro is interfaced to a Waters Alliance 2695 liquid chromatograph and is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipids, steroids, drugs and metabolites, nucleic acids, and peptides at pmol levels.

Triple Quadrupole-GC Mass Spectrometer
The ThermoElectron TSQ 8000 mass spectrometer (LC/MS/MS) is equipped for electron impact (EI) and chemical ionization (CI) with the capability of performing a variety of CID experiments. The analyzer has a mass range up to 1100 m/z in both positive, negative and pulsed positive-negative detection modes. The TSQ is interfaced to a Trace 1300 gas chromatography and is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of smaller, more volatile lipids, steroids, drugs metabolites, and oxysterols at fmol to atmol levels.

Agilent 6460 Triple Quad ESI-LC/MS/MS
Waters Quattro micro API-LC/MS/MS
ThermoElectron TSQ 8000 –GC/MS/MS
Medical College of WisconsinmcwSMALL ANIMAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY CORE More InfoThe Small Animal Echocardiography Core provides an imaging resource to support cardiovascular phenotyping efforts. The Core staff offers expertise, materials, training, consultation, access to equipment and performs scanning and analysis on a fee for service basis.

The Core serves Investigators affiliated with the Medical College of Wisconsin on a first come, first served basis. Time lines for projects vary according to the nature of the project and current workload of the Core. Information about fees is available from the Core Medical Director. Successful and timely animal scanning and data analysis requires a concerted, collaborative effort of the Investigator and the Core staff in all stages of the experiment. Investigators planning on utilizing Core services are therefore encouraged to contact the staff early in the planning stages of the experiment.
Medical College of WisconsinmcwTISSUE BANK More InfoThe Medical College of Wisconsin Tissue Bank is a secure storage facility where blood and tissue samples are kept for use in future research. Currently, once a research study is approved, the researcher must spend a majority of their time collecting their own blood and tissue samples before they can begin their research.

The Medical College of Wisconsin Tissue Bank can improve this process by providing researchers with blood and tissue samples that have already been collected. This expedites the process so that research can begin quickly, and, most importantly, the possibility of discovering medications and possible cures for diseases can happen much sooner.

The MCW Tissue Bank offers the following services:

Plasma from whole blood
Buffy coat from whole blood
Fresh tissue procurement
Snap frozen tissue
OCT embedded tissue
Unstained slides
H&E stained slides (from frozen tissue)
Slide scanning
Frozen tissue QC
DNA from blood or tissue
RNA from blood or tissue
Satellite banking of specimens
Storage of specimens
If there is interest in services not listed above, the MCW Tissue Bank staff will work with investigators to determine feasibility of additional services whenever possible.

-80° upright freezers
Automated DNA/RNA isolation unit
Nanozoomer (slide scanner)
Slide and block storage cabinets
Tissue procurement gross bench
Biological cabinet
OnCore BSM software
Liquid nitrogen
Medical College of WisconsinmcwTRANSGENIC CORE More InfoThe Transgenic Core consists of a laboratory for procedures involving production and maintenance of transgenic mouse strains, a tissue culture facility for all procedures involving embryonic stem (ES) cells and gene targeting experiments, and a transgenic barrier holding facility. The Core is under the direction of Dr. Hartmut Weiler, who has extensive experience in the production of genetically altered mice, and includes three additional staff skilled in various aspects of transgenic animal production and related procedures.


Transgenic mouse production by microinjection of oocytes
Gene targeting in ES Cells
Generation of ES cell chimeras
Sperm cryopreservation/recovery
Rederivation of mouse strains to achieve pathogen-free status
Injections of Crispr/Cas9 and Zinc Finger Nucleases

Microinjection Station
Dissecting Microscope w/color video capture
Microforge for production of customized needles/pipettes
Controlled rate Freezer for cryopreservation of cells and embryos
Gene Pulser
Needle Puller Fully automated
Teaching Stereoscope for microsurgery
Dissection Video Capture
Stero Zoom Microscope

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important Reminder – Please acknowledge the NIH when publishing papers, patents, projects, and presentations resulting from the use of CTSI resources by including the NIH Funding Acknowledgement.


Children's Hospital of WisconsinMarquette UniversityMSOEUWMVersitiVA Medical Center